NEWFOUNDLAND- When Dr. Patrick Gagnon took his first dive into the waters of Newfoundland & Labrador, he wasn't expecting to find something that would inspire an array of research. As he reached the sea floor, he discovered it was covered with red-stone like structures called rhodoliths.
“I had seen similar nodules during my 2,000-plus dives in Eastern Canada, but never this big, and certainly not in such high densities,” Dr. Gagnon told Kelly Foss of the Memorial University Gazette.
Below you can see a video of the rhodoliths at the sea floor with some of the surrounding wildlife. Gagnon received funds to further research the sensation in 2013 and research is currently ongoing.
For a more in-depth look at Gagnon's discoveries and research on rhodoliths, check out Foss's story in the Memorial University Gazette.
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