Today is an international remembrance day for survivors of the Holocaust. The Canadian Press talked to a survivor of Auschwitz and Dachau back in December who found refuge in Newfoundland after the war. Check out an excerpt from the story of Philip Riteman below:
To the Nazis, Riteman was prisoner 98706.
He was a teenager when the Germans arrived in Shershev, Poland, in 1941, according to a profile of Riteman prepared by Memorial University when he received an honourary doctorate of laws degree in 2006.
He said the Nazis drove his family and others out of their town and into the ghettos before taking them to Auschwitz. Riteman lost his parents and five brothers and two sisters, along with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
"I'm the only survivor. Many times I wish I didn't survive — why me?" he told VOCM.
Read the full story HERE.
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