
Documentary: Fidel Castro's Connection To Newfoundland [VIDEO]

Fidel Castro, the former leader of Cuba, died on Friday, November 25th. A polarizing leader who was a friend to Canada and an enemy to the United States, his death sent ripples through social media. 

Castro also had an interesting connection to Newfoundland and Labrador. From Joe Tunnell's story on CBC Newfoundland

Cuba's former president often stopped in Gander back when the town was a frequent refueling point for international flights.

Late CBC reporter Ken Meeker said when Castro gave his first interview outside of Cuba in Gander in 1973, it was [Newfoundland Premier Joseph] Smallwood who arranged it.

Meeker was there as Smallwood and Castro sat down to chat at Gander International Airport.

"When he looked at you, it felt like he was peering right into your soul," said Meeker, while reminiscing in 2004. 

Smallwood and two other Newfoundlanders travelled to Cuba to interview Castro in 1974 but it didn't end up happening. However, there is a National Film Board documentary about their relationship and journey to Cuba that you can watch below. 

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Waiting for Fidel is the NFB documentary about Joey Smallwood's visit to Cuba.
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